Our foundation was formed to address the need for funding the purchase of K9s for public safety agencies.
K9s cost between $15,000-$45,000 per dog, and most agencies struggle when budgeting for the purchase and initial training of a K9. What most departments can budget for however, is the required care, ongoing training and transportation of a K9.
K9s4COPs was founded to bridge this gap and ensure that K9 cost never keeps an officer from having their K9 partner.
Why K9s are Important
K9s have a rich history of working with law enforcement and military units dating back to the 1800s. Working K9s receive specific training to assist law enforcement or fire departments in ways other tools cannot. The structure of a dog’s nose gives it a sense of smell that is 300,000-500,000 times stronger than the human nose, allowing them to follow a scent trail undetectable to humans, even breaking down specific scents. For example, humans can smell beef stew cooking, whereas a K9 smells individual ingredients like the onions, carrots, and thyme. For that reason K9s are used to sweep buildings for explosives, search for narcotics, locate missing persons, apprehend suspects on the run, and solve crimes.