A Fontana police dog may need surgery for head injuries after he was thrown out of a second-story window by a wanted parolee, police said Tuesday.
Jaris, a 6 1/2-year-old Belgian malinois, was taken to a veterinary specialist in Orange County on Monday for X-rays.
Police had hoped Jaris would be back at work next week, but on Tuesday they noticed more swelling on his “As much as we thought he was out of the woods, he’s not,” said police Sgt. Tom Yarrington.
nose and a bulge on his forehead.
Police sent Jaris into a home in the 9500 block of Mango Avenue on Sunday to take Bryan Bills, 28, of Fontana into custody.
Bills was listed as an armed and dangerous parolee who was wanted back in custody.
When the dog ran toward Bills, the man used the dog’s momentum to throw him out of an open window. Jaris fell and landed on his head on the concrete below.
On Monday, Fontana police were unsure if Jaris had suffered brain damage from the fall.
A veterinarian who specializes in police service dogs found no other injuries besides a large gash on the dog’s head. But officers on Tuesday noticed swelling on Jaris.
Police said the veterinary specialist suggested it could be from damage between his sinus and brain. The specialist asked police to bring the dog in for another examination.
Jaris appeared to be in good spirits Tuesday, despite being sedated and having a bandage around his head. Officer Steve Bechtold comforted his canine colleague.
“He’s my partner. He’s with me 24/7,” Bechtold said.
Reporter Josh Dulaney contributed to this report.