K9s4COPs grants Austin County Sheriff’s Office with their only police K9, Jack, a single purpose narcotics detection dog.
K9 Jack with Austin County Sheriff’s Office, granted by K9s4COPs.
In 2014, K9s4COPs partnered up with AMK9 Academy in Alabama, to place returning “Hero Dogs” from Afghanistan into law enforcement agencies across the country.
Austin County Sheriff’s Office applied for K9s4COPs’ grant and received the exciting news that their application had been accepted in December 2014. In January, Deputy John Fullen headed to AMK9 Academy for six weeks to select and train with his new partner. After working with three other dogs, Fullen selected K9 Jack and the two graduated from training on February 6, 2015.
K9 Jack has since “hit the streets” of Austin County with his handler, patrolling over 20 miles of highway and has already gone on four deployments in his first two weeks.
“Jack has come in at a time when we have not had a canine designated for Austin County. There is a strong need for a narcotics canine and he is definitely fulfilling that need and service that we have been without for about two years. Everyday that we have been on duty, Jack has been called out. Having him just gives us that extra tool to catch any money or drugs going up and down our highway and community.” –Deputy John Fullen
K9s4COPs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that grants K9s to law enforcement agencies and schools in need. In 4 years, the organization has granted 82 K9s to 50 agencies and 5 schools in 17 states. Each K9 costs between $10,000-$15,000, depending on their purpose. The grant provided by K9s4COPs pays for the cost of the K9, as well as the training for the officer and his K9 partner. To learn more about K9s4COPs or to donate, please visit www.K9s4COPs.org.
Deputy John Fullen and K9 Jack with Austin County Sheriff’s Office and Kristi Schiller, Founder of K9s4COPs on February 23, 2015 at the Austin County Courthouse.